Utah Bound Orientation (First-Year) Questions
Do I need to make a reservation for Utah Bound Orientation?
Yes! We have limited space availability in all of our sessions and require registration. Remember, Utah Bound Orientation is a required program required of all new students at the University of Utah.
Why must I attend an in-person Utah Bound Orientation?
The benefits to attending an in-person session are numerous. During your time at Utah Bound Orientation, you will connect with other incoming students, experience life on campus, meet with advisors within your academic college, and learn about ways to get involved on campus. Students who attend in-person orientation reported having a smoother transition to college life, feeling more comfortable finding their way around campus, utilizing resources, and are better prepared for the first day of classes. We are excited for you to get a glimpse into the next several years here at the University of Utah!
Is there an Utah Bound Orientation for parents and family members?
There is a concurrent program called Utah Bound Orientation (Guests) during all of our fall admitted, first-year sessions. At Utah Bound Orientation, guests will learn more about campus resources, the student experience, and how to support their student in the transition to college.
I'm an international student. Where do I go for orientation?
International Student and Scholar Services provides an orientation designed especially for international students. Attendance at international orientation is required for all international undergraduates, transfer students, and graduate students.
Can I attend Utah Bound Orientation if I haven't been accepted yet?
Utah Bound Orientation is only for students who have been accepted to the University of Utah. You must confirm your intent to enroll and submit your enrollment deposit before registering for Utah Bound Orientation. The Office of Admissions offers programs for students who want more information about the University of Utah.
Do I have to attend Utah Bound Orientation if I am a Second Bachelor student?
No, if you are a student pursuing a Second Bachelors degree, you do not have to attend Utah Bound Orientation. This program is only for First-Year & first-time Transfer students to the University of Utah.
Do I have to attend Utah Bound Orientation if I am a readmitted student to the U?
If you are a returning student who previously attended an orientation at the University of Utah, and it has been less than 5 years, you are not required to attend Utah Bound Orientation (formerly New Student Orientation). If you are returning to the U after more than 5 years, you are required to complete Utah Bound Orientation. You must confirm your intent to enroll and submit your enrollment deposit before registering for Utah Bound Orientation.
How and when do I register for classes?
All first-year students will become eligible to register for classes during Utah Bound Orientation. Orientation Leaders and other university staff members will assist you with registering for courses in a university computer lab. We hope you leave Utah Bound Orientation with your new class schedule.
Where can I stay before or after orientation?
If you are looking for accommodations for you or someone accompanying a student, please visit the University Guest House & Conference Center. If you would like to book with the University Guest House, please indicate on your reservation you are attending Utah Bound Orientation, in order to receive the University rates.
Can I change my major at Utah Bound Orientation?
When you register for Utah Bound Orientation, please indicate your intended major. As you check-in for your Utah Bound Orientation on the day of your orientation session, we will verify your intended major is still correct. If your intended major has changed between registration and your orientation session, you will have an opportunity to change your intended major in order to meet with the correct College/School during First Semester Course Planning.
Who is eligible to receive Virtual Utah Bound Orientation?
Virtual Utah Bound Orientation (June 9th – 13th and July 7th – 11th) is reserved for students facing hardship preventing them from attending one of our in-person programs. We also reserve space for students with required Military, Medical, or Religious service obligations preventing them from attending one of our in-person programs.
How do I request Virtual Utah Bound Orientation if I meet the criteria?
Please submit your request by emailing the Office of Orientation & Transition at orientation@utah.edu. Your request should include your full name, UNID, starting semester, admit status and reason for your request. Requests are reviewed weekly. A member of our staff will follow up with your request to seek additional information or provide you a response.
What Happens After I request Virtual Utah Bound Orientation?
Fall Admit Virtual Utah Bound Orientation
Virtual Utah Bound Orientation (June 9th – 13th and July 7th – 11th) is granted on a first-come, first-serve basis with limited capacity to students facing hardship preventing them from attending one of our in-person programs. We also reserve space for students with required Military, Medical, or Religious service obligations preventing them from attending one of our in-person programs. Please be mindful there is no guarantee, and we strongly encourage all new incoming students to attend an in-person Utah Bound Orientation, or our Virtual Utah Bound Orientation that opens on July 30th.
Requests are reviewed weekly. A member of our staff will follow up with your request to seek additional information or provide you a response.
Why is there a fee for Utah Bound Orientation?
The Utah Bound Orientation fee is implemented in order to best serve students who attend our program, and fees go toward items such as swag, meals, refreshments, space, and staffing during the program. We want everyone who attends Utah Bound Orientation to have the best experience possible, and thus the fee is implemented to make that happen. If you would like to request a fee waiver for your session, please fill out the program fee waiver request form.
Why can’t you let me into a Utah Bound Orientation that’s already full?
Unfortunately, once an orientation session is full, whether in-person or virtual, we cannot accept additional reservations. This is due to having a set number of appointment times for academic advisors to meet with students, preparations of our materials, and space capacity. We keep our capacities consistent for each session in order to ensure that each student has a personable, intentional, unrushed time with their advisor during First Semester Course Planning as they register for classes. View a list of the remaining available sessions.
Please note, attending a later Utah Bound Orientation session still allows students to register for classes. Although we understand that earlier sessions may seem more desirable due to course planning and class availability, our advisors are prepped and ready to assist at all sessions to give each student the best possible schedule available to them, no matter the session.
How do I apply for Financial Aid?
Applications are available on the Financial Aid and Scholarships website.
How do I apply to live on campus?
You can apply to live in the Residence Halls online at the Housing and Residential Education website. You can apply to live in the University Student Apartments online at the University Student Apartments website.
How do I find off-campus housing?
You can visit the University of Utah Off-Campus Housing website.
How do I buy a parking pass?
Parking permits can be purchased through Commuter Services.
When do I get a UCard (student identification card)?
UCards are now digital! During Utah Bound Orientation, you can upload your picture through the UCard website and set up your UCard access.
What do I need to meet Student Health Requirements?
You will need to give proof of two MMR (mumps, measles and rubella) vaccinations. Proof of Immunization forms are available at Utah Bound Orientation. Find more information.
If you can't find answers to your questions here,
email us at orientation@utah.edu or call us at (801) 581-7069.